LGBTQ+ Patients

For LGBTQ+ individuals and couples in Australia, the journey to parenthood is facilitated by a range of fertility treatments and procedures.

City fertility is the first dedicated fertility and IVF service provider in Australia to cater exclusively for the LGBTI+ community. We can help you achieve your dream of becoming a parent.

This section of our website is dedicated to providing a comprehensive guide to the fertility and pregnancy options available, supporting the diverse needs of the LGBTQ+ community.

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Overview of Options for Lesbian Couples

Lesbian couples wishing to start a family can explore several assisted reproductive technologies (ART) and donor sperm options.
Addam Donor Bank was created with the sole purpose of helping couples and individuals wanting a family by providing access to a diverse range of sperm donors whilst making the process as easy as possible.

As Australia’s leading sperm donor bank, Addam offers an easy-to-use selection tool to help you find your ideal donor based on the attributes that are most important to you.

This free donor search functionality is the first available in Australia for clinic-recruited donors, making it simple to find a match, either online or via mobile app.

Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) Options:

  • Intrauterine Insemination (IUI): IUI involves the injection of donor sperm into the uterus around the time of ovulation. The sperm used can either be from a known donor or selected through a sperm bank. We use the Addam donor sperm bank.
  • In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF): This procedure involves stimulating the ovaries to produce multiple eggs, which are then retrieved and fertilised with donor sperm in the laboratory. The resulting embryos are assessed for quality, and one or more are transferred to the uterus.
  • Co-Maternity or Reciprocal IVF: This option allows both partners to be physically involved in the pregnancy process. One partner provides the eggs to be fertilised, while the other carries the pregnancy, fostering a shared biological and emotional connection to the child.

Gay couples also have a variety of pathways to parenthood.

There are three things you’ll need to build a family: sperm, an egg and a surrogate to carry the pregnancy.

All things being well, you should be good for sperm, but the hardest part will usually be finding a surrogate, who may, or may not, also be your egg donor. While we can’t directly help you find a surrogate, we can share our knowledge on what to look for.

Most parents find an egg donor and surrogate through family, friends, colleagues or support groups. An egg donor education program (Egg Donors Australia) is available, in an effort to try to encourage more donors to assist couples / individuals in their attempt to become parents through surrogacy.

  • Surrogacy: Surrogacy involves a gestational carrier who carries the pregnancy. The embryos implanted into the surrogate can be created using one partner’s sperm with donated eggs or embryos. This can be an altruistic or commercial arrangement, depending on the legal frameworks in place.

    In Australia, each state has different legislation in regards to surrogacy, and the committee makes its decision based on the laws in that particular state.
  • IVF with Donated Eggs and Surrogacy: Eggs from a donor are fertilised with sperm from one of the partners. The resulting embryos are then transferred to a surrogate’s uterus. Both partners can choose to contribute sperm in separate cycles to each have a biological connection with a future child.

The procedures for LGBTQ+ fertility treatments involve careful planning and legal considerations, especially regarding donor agreements and parental rights:

  • Legal Aspects: In Australia, legal arrangements must be in place to establish the parental rights and responsibilities of all parties involved, particularly with surrogacy and donor conception.
  • Counselling: It is recommended that all parties involved in third-party reproduction (donors and surrogates) undergo counselling to address the emotional, psychological, and social implications of their decisions.
  • Choosing a Donor or Surrogate: Choosing the right donor or surrogate involves considerations of health history, legal status, and often, emotional compatibility. Fertility clinics often help coordinate these processes, ensuring all legal and health standards are met.

Australia offers a supportive environment for LGBTQ+ individuals seeking fertility treatments. Dr Mane specialises in LGBTQ+ reproductive care, ensuring that treatments are accessible and sensitive to the needs of the community.

Support networks and resources are also available to assist individuals and couples through their fertility journey.


The options for LGBTQ+ fertility and pregnancy are expansive and continue to evolve in Australia, supported by advances in medical technology and a progressive legal framework. Whether through IUI, IVF, or surrogacy, the possibilities for LGBTQ+ individuals and couples to achieve their dreams of parenthood are greater than ever.

It is crucial for those interested in these paths to seek guidance from experienced fertility specialists who can provide tailored advice and support throughout the process.

Dr Shree Mane is a Sydney Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, and Fertility Medicine sub-specialist with 30+ years of experience. She has achieved specialist registration in India, the United Kingdom and Australia.

She consults and operates across Western Sydney and offers Saturday appointments, as well as telehealth bookings.

If you have a question about a condition or treatment, or would like to book an appointment, please contact us and one of our friendly staff members will happily assist you.